A miscarriage happened when the pregnancy is lost spontaneously before 28 weeks. A most common symptom that would alert us to a possible miscarriage is Vaginal Bleeding. A Chemical Pewgnancy is a term used to described a very early miscarriage. It is usually occurs before the fifth week of gestation, or less than a week after first missed period and positive pregnancy test.
A missed Abortion – In some situation, there may be no signs and symptoms at all and the fetal heart may be found to be absent during a routine check up. This is termed as a miss abortion.
Having a miscarriage is a highly emotional experience for a woman, as well as being a shocking and painful physical experience and a more subtle hormonal one. Even those women for whom the pregnancy was an “accident” can find themselves feeling deeply disappointed and empty. There may also be guilt and anger.
It does not ease the pain to learn that half of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, usually so early the woman does not notice. Nor to be told that one can always try again. A baby has been lost and there is grieving. For those who have repeatedly miscarried there are several areas of research which can offer hope.
A treatment has been developed for a common problem of the woman’s immune system rejecting the father’s cells and baby and placenta tissue as a “foreign” substance. In successful pregnancies, an immune response is made which prevents this happening; the new treatment stimulates antibodies by immunizing women with cells from the father’s blood. Another research concentrates on adjusting the time at which the pituitary gland sends out its message so that hormones will mature the female egg, enabling conception to take place.
Women with rhesus negative blood, and those who do not know their blood group should consult with their doctor as soon as possible after a miscarriage that takes place after about 8 weeks of pregnancy. This is because a woman with this blood type may have made antibodies against rhesus positive blood at the time of miscarriage if the baby was in the positive blood group, which one cannot know. As a precaution, and to prevent these antibodies working against the next baby if that is in the positive blood group too, an injection called anti-D (Rhogam) is routinely recommended and given within 72 hours to women who miscarry or have a termination, and those who give birth to a baby in the positive blood groups. Without the injection, the next baby, if it has rhesus positive blood, will develop jaundice and may require a blood transfusion after birth.
it is important too, to come to term with emotions you experience after a miscarriage so that anxiety does not affect your next pregnancy, because anxiety is in itself a cause of miscarriage.
The aromatherapy essential oils recommended for use after a miscarriage not only help to bring the body back into its pre-pregnancy state, but they also heal on the emotional and spiritual levels.
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