Wellness Talk Pregnancy & Childbirth – Labor – Womb Recovery and Fertility


It been sometime our valuable talk and training training in Mastering Advance Aromatherapy Pregnancy & Childbirth – Labor and Womb Recovery. Its an eye opening for you all about the comprehensive course for your future advance in skills, techniques, info and knowledge only you can get from our Institute of Aromatherapy Enhancement Pte Ltd.

You will not regret how much this course after you attendant will give you confident when you hands-on yourself and your clients.

Come and hear our Consultant-Trainer Certified and Qualified Aromatherapist Practitioner Mdm Hajjah Mariati Johari will give and show you during this Orientation before the course start and what you expect during this course.

Register or Sign Up Wellness Talk

Monday end of Month – Saturday time 11am to 2pm

Please Join and register Now