Womb Massage Therapy is to give you awareness if you have women issue including hormanal imbalance.
It can assist if you have menstruation cramps, irregular menstruation, absent period. Heavy flow, endometriosis. It can also assist in infertility.
The main focus choosing our healing and maintaining program is to cleanse, nourishing the body, detoxifying for hormonal balance optimal health, support uterine tone, build, improve the blood circulation and emotional released. It also avoid from frequent urinary and prolapse of uterus in long term not self treating.
If one organ is misaligned, it will impinge on the circulation to the area.
This Womb Massage include Navel candle to detox, A hollow herbal candle is lighted and placed over the belly-button. During the candling process, a gentle and relaxing massage could be applied to the abdominal area to aid in circulation. It includes aiding the removal of toxins through the body’s lymphatic system and also alleviation of stomach flatulence, stomachache, endocrine disorders and gastric problems caused by irregular eating habits. In addition, navel candling can also aid in the relief of mild cold symptoms and enhance the body circulatory system.
Please register NOW our next workshop.
Once a month Saturday
Time: 11am to 12.30am
Workshop Rate: $150 per pax
Date: To be advise
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