Vaginal steam bath bring heat to the womb.Vaginal steam bath bring heat to the womb.Vaginal steam bath bring heat to the womb.HEALTHY WOMB | PRE CONCEPTION | FERTILITY
Since the dawn of humanity there have always been healer in every community. These healers were revered as important members of society, because, they possessed extensive knowledge of the plants countless hours. formulating and experimenting with ways of use these plants, to heal the members of their communities. They also taught the people the important of using the plants, to maintain vitality, which today is known as preventive medicines.
This can apply as Vaginal Steam to aid women with chronic women issues like infertility, absent period or irregular period, fibroits, endomentriosis, cysts, PCOS etcs.
Vaginal steam bath bring heat to the womb. The use of specific herbs adds layers of different healing benefit depending on the women issues – related health condition being treated. Different herbs have different healing actions. Typically more than one herbs chosen and formulated in blend specific to the women unique needs. The combination of herbs works to nourish, tone, heal brig in fresh oxygenated blood, promote cleansing ad make supple the vaginal and uterine tissues. The moist heat opens the pores the poroeos of the tissues it come into contact with. The water vapor carries the medicinal benefits of the plats, including volatile oils. This is absorbed into the tissue and enter the bloodstream, having a direct healing effect on the reproductive system. Vaginal tissue is one of the most absorbent of the entire female body. Note! Do not use essential oils in your vaginal steam bath, this is because they may burn the delicate tissue of the genitals.
The herbs stimulates the production of hormones in order to maintain uterine health, and protects the uterus from ulcers and tumors.
Some natural herbs has been used to aid digestive disorders and immune system strength, while regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle and hormones. The herb is also considered to be antimicrobial and a sedative that can detoxify the uterus.
The combination of some or all of these herbs for traditional vaginal herb steam, had specific healing intention. The purpose of this vaginal steam, is to aid as an internale cleanse of the membrances of the vaginal tissue and the utrus. This is considered especially important for stagnant fertility condition, and/or incomplement emptying of menses each cycles. sign of this PMS, cramps during your period, brown colour blood.
Vaginal Steam is best done every two weeks when used for treating women issues. For general fertile vitality (preventative maintenance) Vagina steam bath are best twice a year. Give your yoni some love treat her to a Vagi-Steam!!
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