There’s a jamu for you!
There’s no time like the present to start your jamu routine, as prolonged regular use is advised for the most effective results in curing almost any bodily ailment. Perhaps you’re feeling just fine? You should still have a daily dose of jamu for prevention of cancer, liver cleansing and taming your inner free-radicals.
Jamu is a traditional Indonesian elixir, originated in Central Java centuries ago and now readily available across the archipelago. There are dozens of different tried and true formulas, with recipes passed down over generations. A handful of jamu formulas are most popular and consumed by the majority of Indonesians and malays and asians, daily for health and wellness.
The most common jamu usually added with lots of turmeric, giving it a rich, orange opaque appearance and ginger, and honey or palm sugar to lend sweetness. These are suspended in boiled water. and mixed with fresh lime juice. Jamu is generally available for purchase in dry, powdered form as sachets to mix with water or pre-mixed by the bottle or glass.
With our special premium formula blending of Enriched Jamu will give enhancement and prevent any ailment sells hot or cold jamu freshly.
30ml x 6 bottles
250ml x 1
400ml x 1
Keep refrigerated
Shake Well Before Use
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