What is Jamu or Aromatherapy
Jamu (old spelling Djamu) is a traditional natural medicine from Indonesia. It is predominantly a herbal medicine made from natural raw materials, such as roots, bark, flowers, seeds, leaves and fruits.
In traditional Malay confinement, jamu is meant to help the new mum expel toxins and recover her energy and pre-baby body.
It is believed that the pores on the body are opened during labor and “jamu” has properties that can keep the body warm.
Post partum, not only help to bring the body back into its state of mind, physically, psychology but also improved and release emotional, mental and strengthen spiritual and lift up its level.
Aromatherapy or jamu Massage Oils and herbal tummy paste ingredients has it special botanical healing properties and characteristic and it does not consist synthetic, additive, all natural to suite of level of individual mankind.
Body Massage is done by experience Body Therapists and by using herbal (Jamu Oil ) or aromatherapy oils, is to improve blood circulation
– Can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression
– Relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve new mothers health.
– Massage increases circulation and lymphatic drainage to facilitate elimination of excess fluids and waste products, boosts milk production, improves skin firmness, keeps the skin hydrated, soft, and supple.
Postnatal massage helps ease backaches, stress, fatigue, headaches and postpartum depression. In line with relaxation and reduced stress, a postnatal massage eases exhaustion and assists you towards getting much-needed deeper sleep
1) POST NATAL & SLIM MASSAGE OIL – 250ml x 1 bot
It benefits to treat:
1} To lifting and strengthening the tummy Womb | uterus
2) To tone and tightening the Vaginal muscles and ligament
3) To reduce fluid retention, excess wind, stimulates blood circulation.
4) To increase flexibility of muscles and stretched nerves.
5) Provide relaxation, reduce stress and balance hormones.
6) To induce good sleep.
7) To boost milk production and improve lactation for nursing mothers.
8) Boost the Womb| Uterus for those undergoing Fertility Programs
2) JAMU PILIS HERBS 5-ml x 1 bot
This blend formulated:
Assist to: relieve headache – mind clarity – focus – reduce stress – suitable to post natal mother
3) JAMU TAPEL TUMMY HERBS – 10gm x 2 satchet
This blend formula from herbs and essential oils assist to:
– strengthen the womb – reduce, slim & detox womb & tummy – suitable to post natal mother and slimming program
4) JAMU VAGINAL SPA HERBS – 10gm x 2 satchet
Vaginal Spa Treatment Herbal Steaming
To Keep The Womb Warm
– This V-Spa treatment is to reduce any blockage and blood clots at the uterus.
– Strengthened and toned the womb | uterus Muscles and ligaments
– To tightening the vaginal muscles and ligaments.
– To reduce water retention, excess Wind. stimulates blood circulations.
5) TUMMY BINDING WRAP (One Binder for small size and 2 pcs for medium | Large size women)
We usually recommended 2 pcs for all sizes.
The most crucial part of confinement. The postnatal wrap and massage, combined with traditional herbs, is believed to help the uterus recover and for women to quickly and regain their figures or slimming.
The post natal wrap is known as the Bengkung (Indonesian name} It’s a long strip of cloth up to 12 -15 meter long that s tightly wrapped around the torso area from pelvis above the abdominal up to below the bust. It also support and benefits:
– To support the pelvic bone from expand.
– It assist to tighten the vagina, cervic and uterus|womb muscles and ligament.
– To shrink the womb, reduce water retention and excess wind.
– To return it uterus to its original place.
– To reduce back pain.
– Keep the abdominal|Womb warm
– To support and protect the womb from misalighment in the pelvic bone.
– It also assist to lift up the breast to not become saggy
Natural Botanical ingredients 100% Pure Aromatherapy Essential Oils of 7 flowers synergies vibration and frequencies.
For Bath Shower – Face – Body Mist.
This formula been selected to address emotional and mental of wellness that gives effective and safe for external use.
It give you refresh and energetic after shower and enhance your AURA positively.
7) REFRESH BODY DEAD SEA SALT SCRUB – 10 gm x 5 sachets
To exfoliate our skin dead cells and dry skin.
To clear, cleanse and detox the skin from excess dirts that clogged in the skin pores and impurities during your 9-10 months pregnancy.
Keep the skin glowing, radiance, lightening and relaxing, refreshing.|To keep the skin healthy and enhance the AURA.
To calm, anti depression.
Package in Gift Boxes of 7 items at only $88
Interest item related to Post Natal | Confinement Period are:
1) Lactation Massage Oil – 100ml
2) Baby Massage Oil – 100ml
3) Colic Baby Massage Oil – 60ml
4) Womb Care Recovery Massage Oil – 250ml
5) Feminine Secret Care Wash 60ml
6) Episiotomy/ Perineum tightening muscle oil roll on – 10ml
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