VETIVER OIL (Vetiveria zizanoides)
Vetiver oil is a natural essential oil that is extracted by steam distillation from the roots of the vetiver plant. On the Indian
Subcontinent it is famously known as Khus Khus and is used in perfumes, food and beverage industries and aromatherapy.
There are vast medicinal qualities that are to be found in this oil.
About Vetiver:
Vetiver is a grass plant that grows in bunches and is native to India. This plant is highly drought tolerant and helps protect the
soil against sheet erosion. The scientific name is Chrysopgon Zizaniodes.
Vetiver Oil:
Vetiver oil has an earthy musky smell and it has a grounding, calming and balancing effect on the body. This oil is one of the
oils that is safe to use both externally and internally to protect wounds and organs from sepsis. Good quality Vetiver oil is dark
brown in colour and can be combined with other oils.
Use of Vetiver Oil
Medical Purposes
1. The anti inflammatory properties found in this oil make it effective in providing relief from inflammation both in the circulatory and
nervous systems and is used in the treatment of sunstroke and dehydration.
2. The antiseptic qualities of the oil make it highly effective in destroying Staphylococcus Aureus and inhibiting further growth
of this deadly bacteria.
3. Vetiver oil is a relaxant and used to relieve shock, trauma and anxiety and also very effective to cure insomnia.
4. Because it has a calming and balancing effect on the body and mind this oil is effective for treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
and also helps in maintaining the good health of the nerves and nervous system.
5. The oil when used as a flavouring agent in beverages and sorbets also acts as an aphrodisiac and enhances the libido and a
rouses sexual feelings.
6. This oil has been known to be very useful for postpartum depression and also when applied on the skin it removes post delivery
stretch marks.
7. Used in aromatherapy to metabolize the body, give strength and boost the immune functions in the body.
A great favourite with perfumers because it is a stable and safe oil, Vetiver is used widely in production of perfumes, lotions, creams,
soaps and room fresheners.
Culinary Uses
Because it is a safe oil it is used in flavouring beverages, sorbets and other food stuff, and can also be used as a food supplement
when properly diluted.
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