EO Rosewood 100% Pure


Rosewood oil is extracted by the process of steam distillation of the trunk wood of the rosewood tree. It has antiseptic, aphrodisiac, anti-depressant, analgesic, deodorant, bactericidal, insecticide, cephalic, and stimulant properties. This oil is commonly known in its aroma therapeutic benefits. It is also by perfume manufacturers as an ingredient in their products.

About Rosewood: This tree was also recognized as bois de rose, is originated in Brazil and given Aniba rosaeodora as its botanical name. It is a tropical evergreen tree can grow at about 40 meters high. This tree is also

Rosewood oil: The oil is obtained from the trunk of the tree. It has a sweet, woody aroma that gives relaxing feeling. This oil can be used well together with other oils including citrus oil and floral oil.

Uses of Rosewood oil:

Medicinal Purpose:

1. The oil is very helpful to regenerate aging skin tissues because of its antioxidant property. It is effective to for skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Moreover, it is efficient in treating oily and dry skin and it helps to reduce wrinkles. It is also helpful for damaged and sensitive skin. Thus, this oil acts as an anti-aging product.

2. Anti-depressant: This oil is good in helping drive away stress and depression. It also helps in treating fatigue and other stress-related problems.

3. Analgesic: This oil is also an effective remedy for muscle and joint pains, toothaches, and headaches.

4. This oil has bactericidal and antiseptic properties and is therefore effective in treating diseases caused by bacteria. It also helps to reduce the risk of getting infections caused by them.

5. Rosewood oil acts as deodorant as well – this is because of its sweet, woody and fresh aroma that can drive away strong body odor caused by bacteria and keep the wonderful fragrance as well.