Therapeutic Benefits
Antiseptic, Aphrodisisac
Owing to its excellent antidepressant properties, gardenia essential oil possesses the ability to calm your nerves.
It is therefore, popularly used in the treatment of depression, mental stress and strain, anxiety, and other disorders of the nervous system.
It is also very helpful in curing sleep disorders such as insomnia. If you are suffering any such problems, add a few drops of gardenia oil in your bath tub and soak in it for 15–20 minutes before going to bed.
The essential oil of gardenia is not only an excellent disinfectant it also has the ability to stop bleeding. Thus, in case of any injury, you can apply the diluted essential oil on the wounds so as to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process.Gardenia oil also possesses excellent antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.
It is, therefore, widely used for relieving muscular and joints pains.Gardenia essential oil is also very beneficial for improving blood circulation. If you suffer from poor blood circulation, you should get a gardenia oil body massage at least twice a week.Gardenia essential oil also helps in removing harmful toxins from the body.
Gardenia oil is also known for its aphrodisiac properties. Therefore, many aroma therapists use this oil for treating loss of libido in both men and women. Although there are no known side effects of this oil, you should consult your health care provider or an aroma therapy expert before using it.
Available in 100ml, 500ml 1 ltr
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