Pre Natal Massage



Most pregnancy wormen experience discomfort and added stress in their bodies at various time during their pregnancy, especially close to due date. This may be why more and more women discovering the benefits of their pregnancy massage. There are many natural ways to induce labor, “Induction Massage” is one of them.

It is Natural Will work on the pressure points thought to encourage baby to move down into the birth canal, which would cause pregnant women to produce oxytoxin – the “labor hormon”” Unlike induction with pitocin, which the synthetic oxytocin, acupresssure is thought to encourage the body’s own natural processes.

Less painful and shorter labor? This is every mom-to-be’s wish. Although there has been not enough studies to prove Induction Massage can make labor quickly and less pain. According to Midfery today, women who received pregnancy massage report less painful and shorter labors.

Decreased anxiety, lower levels of stress hormones and higher levels of endorphine’s. As with normal massage, induction massage helps to relax and calm your body, easing tension and hekping to create a clear and grounded space. All the benefits of Pregnancy Massage, such as increasing flexibility in muscles and joints, relieving spasm and cramps, providing emtoional support and physical nuture and so on.

What For? Perineal Massage is done to stretch and increase flexibility in the perineum in preparation for birth, in hopes of keeping the area intact or at least minimizing perineal trauma during delivery.


> Pre Natal Massage | Full Body, Head & Face, Hydrotherapy, Induction Acupressure , Perineum Massage > approx  3 hrs > S$200

> Induction Massage Therapy >   Approx 60 mins  |  S$120

> Perineum Massage > Approx 30 mins |  S$80